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Arts Hub Interview

Arts Hub Interview

Check out my Arts Hub interview “here” (Membership needed) or below!

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an archaeologist like Indiana Jones!

When did you know you would be creative? I always liked to draw as a kid, when I left high school I chose to go to TAFE and study fine arts. From there my interest in art has not waivered.

How would you describe your work to a complete stranger? They an odd collection of photographic images that have no reason to be together. I like to explore ideas of the environments we choose to live whether it is urban or natural, how we fit in, if we try to live with it or in resistance to it.  Also I like to make work on the quirky side of urban living, there are some funny things around when you look.

What’s your background – are there studies that prepare you for this? I studied two years in fine art at TAFE and then went onto a bachelor of fine arts in photomedia where I completed Honours. I believe studying changed the way I think about the world. It taught me to think outside my square.

What’s the first thing career related you usually do each day? E-mail. I am signed up to several art news letters and get lots of info on upcoming shows and artists reviews. I makes it easy to keep in the know if you don’t work in an art related field.

Can you describe an “average” working day for you? I work full-time so my ‘art career’ is after hours. I have several projects running at the same time, so I try to do some research or reading, think out my ideas for those new works. On the weekends I am able to dedicate my time to shooting or computer based retouching.

What’s the one thing – piece of equipment, toy, security-blanket – that you can’t work without? A note-pad/sketch book. I write everything down religiously otherwise I’m scared I’ll forget, especially if I think its particularly brilliant at the time!

What gets you fired up? Artists that don’t share because they feel it might set them back in some way. I love to share and help others.

Who in the industry most inspires you? Martin Parr, Joel Meryerowitz & William Egglestone.

What in the industry do you despair about? Than emerging artists such as myself have a real hard time getting exhibition space and then giving up.

What is the best thing about your job? I like to show people a point of view they may not have thought about before.

And the worst? Thanks but no thanks letters. It’s part of the industry but it still never stops being disappointing.

Are you a fan of new media? Is blog beautiful? Yes absolutely. No enough artists embrace new media. There is so much wonderful work out there, and unfortunately we can’t be everywhere at once to see it all.

What are the top three skills you need in this industry? A tough skin. Motivation. Perseverance. It’s a hard life being an artist but thoroughly rewarding.

What advice would you give a young artist looking to break into the field? Just keep at it, it does take time.

When do you know you’ve made it? When you don’t need reassurance that your work is good, you just know!